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Home ยป EGCC – Dev Shot #7 | We added some lovely new Cargo Warehouses, more remote stands, and fixed some terraforming!

EGCC – Dev Shot #7 | We added some lovely new Cargo Warehouses, more remote stands, and fixed some terraforming!

Changes mentioned in this dev-shot are part of EGCC update: V0.6.4

Happy New Year!

We have now added clutter, assets and the perimeter fence to remote stands 61L 61 and 61R.

We have also modelled the warehouses in front of stands 67-72, and added the appropriate amount of clutter to the apron.

The main focus of this weeks development was to address some issues with the terraforming between both runways, where the height difference would cause a bump in the taxiway.

Some work has also been done to the taxiways which cross RWY 23R/05L, whereby the asphalt would stop prematurely. We also adjusted the mid-way turning circle on RWY 23L, and increased the resolution of RWY 05R ground textures.

Stands 61L 61 and 61R:

New Warehouse and Remote Stands:

These following bugs were also fixed:

  • Stand 7 boarding stars stuck on static asset
  • RWY05L approach light too tall on runway threshold
  • A538 Tunnel portals were floating.
  • T1 Pier B ground arrows missing

Until next time!

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