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Home ยป EGCC – Dev Shot #6 | The Private Jet Hangar and brand new way of creating realistic ground textures!

EGCC – Dev Shot #6 | The Private Jet Hangar and brand new way of creating realistic ground textures!

Changes mentioned in this dev-shot are part of EGCC update: V0.6.3

We hope you all had a lovely holiday period! For the first time, we have taken a little break to recharge our batteries, so this is going to be a rather short dev shot.

The Airport Pub has now been completed with all windows doors and textures!

We have also modelled, textured and implemented the Signature private jet hangar, so all you private jet pilots now have somewhere to call home.

We added lighting to the PremiAir building and to the visitors park, as at night, they weren’t visible.

We have been working hard on Birmingham, not because we are neglecting Manchester, but because we are using Birmingham as a test ground for new methods and techniques. We have an awesome new way to texture the ground, and this method will be used at Manchester in due course! I’m sure you will agree that they look a lot better than what is currently at Manchester!

New Signature Jet hangar:

Completed Pub:

Finally… The new taxi lines and new weathering at Birmingham, which will also go into Manchester:
Although these screenshots aren’t at Manchester, we wanted to show you what’s in store for EGCC in the near future.

These following bugs were also fixed:

  • Stand 50 had no ground vehicles
  • Tower missing red beacon lights
  • ILS frequency for RWY 05R was wrong
  • Departure from Runway 23R, ATC was directing pilots to 05L threshold

Until next time!

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